Potency products: how to increase potency through nutrition?

Men prefer not to talk about their potency issues and rarely go to doctors about it. The problem is indeed very delicate, but it is often almost impossible to eliminate it without establishing the cause. Therefore, do not be ashamed to seek help from doctors, but to strengthen the prescribed treatment, to support it, products that affect potency in the most positive sense of the word will help.

Causes and solutions of intimate problems

man treats impotence with food

In 2011, the company, commissioned by Bayer HealthCare, conducted an internationally representative online survey of SatisFACTS men's sex lives and found that many of them feel the pressure of changing circumstances - inflated expectations from partners to satisfy their intimate needs, assessment of their own capabilities with the help of the media and others. Only half of respondents believe they need medication to treat erectile dysfunction to boost their self-confidence. Others choose dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) as a popular method to correct and prevent libido disorders. A scientific article about this was published in 2017 in the journal of the market of medicines and medical technology.

What foods can increase potency?

seafood for potency

The composition of the same food supplements usually includes extracts of plants, herbs, fruits, berries and other components. Obviously, alternative methods of treating erectile dysfunction are not capable of dealing with problems in bed alone, but they can complement drug therapy and increase its effectiveness. Here are some products men should lean on:


All types of squid, shrimp, oysters and octopus contain a lot of zinc and selenium, which are essential for maintaining male strength. Zinc is necessary for the production of sperm and male hormones, normal prostate function, and selenium improves sperm motility, ejaculation quality and libido.


Almost all existing spices have a beneficial effect on potency as they contain essential oils. Cardamom, fennel, ginger, nutmeg, anise, cinnamon, basil can bring the greatest benefit to men's body.


This well-known and popular root crop in past centuries contains a lot of calcium, as well as vitamins A, PP, group B and succinic acid. The turnip is known for its ability to excite cardiac activity and is the heart responsible for filling the penis with blood.


This bee product has such a rich chemical composition that it helps "everything". It contains vitamins A, E, K, C, group B, various mineral salts and other useful substances. The positive effect of this product in maintaining reproductive health has been proven. Royal jelly in its composition is believed to improve the quality of sperm. However, you need to be careful with honey as it is a very allergenic product.


This product is very popular with children, and adults are not averse to eating a piece or two, as this dessert enlivens and energizes. It's all about the tonic substance theobromine present in it.

How to increase male potency through nutrition? In general, you need to eat in a balanced and rational way. The menu should contain meat and fish, rich in proteins, necessary for the production of the main male hormone, testosterone. Eggs, especially quail eggs, are very useful for potency. But with alcohol you must be careful. In small doses, it improves potency, increases attraction, in large doses it does the exact opposite and, in the long run, leads to impotence.